International Research journal of Management Science and Technology

  ISSN 2250 - 1959 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9367 (Print) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMST

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    1 Author(s):  DR. TULIKA SAXENA

Vol -  9, Issue- 2 ,         Page(s) : 292 - 304  (2018 ) DOI :


The study helps in identifying the weaker aspects of culture in terms of values and beliefs that prevail in the organization. It has emerged that some of the values are distinguished enough to make the culture a performing culture. Understanding organizational culture helps to increase the organizational effectiveness and development of employees at all the levels. At the same time the study also revealed that some of the OCTAPACE culture (ethos)dimensions show value lower than the norms specified.Once the diagno¬sis of the culture is done to identify how much each item is valued, the organizations /corporates gets an opportunity to work upon the identified weaker aspects for developing and maintaining a better organizational culture for desired performance to sustain competiti¬on in the long run.The main objective of thisresearch is to study the organizational culture of the selected Indian corporates, operating both in private and public sectorsto measurethe status and extentof various dimensions(8)of OCTAPACE CULTURE. 233 responses to a 4 point scale questionnaire based on the OCTAPACE profile developed by Dr. UdaiPareek were obtained from 8 organizationsin UttarPradesh. Data is based on the responses from 78Executive Managers, 22 staff and16operationalemployees serving in private organizations whereas 77executive managers , 23 staff and 17operationalemployees serving in public/government, organizations in the year 2015-2016. The paper goes on to present the major findings based on descriptive research design undertaken with the help of structured questionnaires to study the OCTAPACECulture forthe managers, staff andoperational officials.It is worth mentioning that scores below ‘low value’ shown in the norms table are rated as ‘ requires improvement’, scores above ‘high value’ are rated as ‘ excellent’ and scores between low and high value are rated as ‘very good’.The results show that the sample differs significantly in perceiving their OCTAPACECulture& are having varying level of OCTAPACE culture values in their organizations.

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