International Research journal of Management Science and Technology
ISSN 2250 - 1959 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9367 (Print) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMST
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1 Author(s): NEETU RANI
Vol - 8, Issue- 10 , Page(s) : 294 - 303 (2017 ) DOI :
As we all know Internet has entered in all the spheres of human life since the digital world came into existence. The fields like trade, education, corporate sectors, transportation, and communication are highly influenced by internet. Internet plays pivotal role to make human beings comfortable in their routine life. India is also one of the major countries to access the internet facility.Cybercrime is evolving at an astounding pace, following the same dynamic as the inevitable penetration of computer technology and communication into all walks of life. Whilst society is inventing and evolving, at the same time, criminals are deploying a remarkable adaptability in order to derive the greatest benefit from it. To avoid giving cybercriminals the initiative, it is important for those involved in the fight against cybercrime to try to anticipate qualitative and quantitative changes in its underlying elements so that they can adjust their methods appropriately.