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Vol -  9, Issue- 1 ,         Page(s) : 45 - 54  (2018 ) DOI :


The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) was started in 2006 which subsumed all previous employment generation programmes of the Government of India was a landmark welfare intervention which is deemed to have brought extensive and far-reaching impact not only on rural livelihood and food security for the rural poor in India, but also impacted a large section of the rural population in myriad areas of the social and economic structure, both directly as well as indirectly

1. Agarwal,S.,& Devi,M. (2015). Empowerment of Women through MGNREGA with Reference to Chhattisgarh. Indian Journal of Applied Research 5(9), 657-659. 
2. Ahangar, G.B. (2014). Women empowerment through MGNREGA: A case study of block shahabad of district anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir. National Monthly Refereed Journal of Research In Commerce & Management,3(2), 55-62.
3. Akhatar,Y.(2009).NREGA- a case study. Kurukshetra- A journal of Rural Development, 18(1), 20-22.
4. Akhtar,S., & Imran,S.(2015). Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) and Empowerment of Women from BPL families in rural areas: A case study of district Aligarh (India).IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 20, (3), 7-16.
5. Ambily , A .S .(2016). A Study on Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) and Women Empowerment, International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences,  6( 5 ),135-140.
6. Ananta, Kr.N. (2016). Empowerment effects of the MGNREGA on women workers: A case study of four village panchayats of Majuli, Jorhat district. South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary studies ,3(4), 62-69. 
7. Ashok,M.,& Mahesh, M. (2016). Study on the impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act with special reference to women beneficiaries in Madukkari block, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 2(5), 72-79.
8. Azeez, N.P. Abdul & Akhtar, S.M. Jawed (2012), “Women Empowerment in India: A Study Based on Index of Women Empowerment in India”, published in International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics and Management,  2(5), 
9. Babu,V., &  Sudhakar, G. (2014). MGNREGA: Making Way for Social Change in Women’s: A Case Study of Musunuru Mandal in Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of engineering and Management Research, 4(6), 1-5. 
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14. Chavan, P. (2015). An assessment of Awareness of MGNREGS: A Case Study of Kolhapur District, Prime International Research Journal, II (2), 1 – 11.
15. Das, D. (2012). Examining India?s Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment guaranty Act: Its impact and women participation”. International Journal of Research and Management,2(6),209-218.
16. Das, U., & Mahanto, N. (2011). Awareness about Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act: Some evidence from the northern parts of West Bengal, India. Economics Bulletin, 32(1), 528-537. 
17. Dev.M.S. (2011), NRGA and Child well being, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, Working Paper No. 2011/4.
18. Dey, M. (2014). Implementation of MGNREGA: A study of Two Gram Panchayats in Jhalawar, Rajasthan. In Sridhar K.S., Wan G. (Eds), Urbanization in Asia. New Delhi,9-26.  
19. Farooqi, S.A., & Saleem, I. (2015). Impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gurantee Act (MGNREGA) on the Life of Women Living under Poverty - A study of District Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. Pacific Business review international, 8(4), 9-16.
20. George,B.( 2017). Impact of MGNREGA on Socio-Economic Development and Women Empowerment, International Educational Scientific Research Journal, 3(3),57-61.
21. Ghosh ,S.(2017). MGNREGA and Women Participation: A case study from Purulia Districts, West Bangal. Abhinav national monthly refereed journal Arts & Education,6(3),1-5.
22. Ghosh, J. K., (2011).Impact of NREGA on Wage Rates, Food Security and Rural Urban Migration in West Bengal.Report submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture by Agro-economic Research Centre, Birbhum.West Bengal.
23. Ghuman, R.S., & Dua,P.K. (2008). NREGA and Rural Employment in Punjab: An Evaluative Study of Hoshiarpur  District. Paper prepared for the conference on Employment Opportunities and Public Employment Policy in Globalizing India, Organized by CDS on April 3-5.
24. Gupta, R., & Pandey, P. (2016). Impact of MGNREGA on living standard and migration in chhattisgarh: A case study of bilaspur district , Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management: 5 ,104-111.
25. Hirway, I., M,R,Selja & Yadav,B. (2008). Reducing Unpaid Work in the Village of Nana Kotda, Gujarat: An Economic Impact Analysis of Works Undertaken under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA). Centre for Development of Alternatives, Ahmedabad, India and The Levy Economic Institution, New York, Research Project No. 34.
26. Honnakeri,P.M., & Kote.A.B (2012).The Impact of MGNREGA Scheme on Rural Urban Migration in rural economy with Special Reference to Gulbarga District in Karnataka State.Indian Streams Research Journal ,1-4.
27. Jacob, N. (2008). The Impact of NREGA on Rural-Urban Migration: Field survey of Villupuram District, Tamil Nadu. Working Paper 202, New Delhi: Centre for Civil Society.
28. Jaffer, P. C. ( 2010). India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGA): Localised Implementation in Gulbarga District of Karnataka.
29. Jena, S.K. (2012). MGNREGS: A Critical Assessment of Issue and Challenges. The Indian Journal of Commerce, 65,165-179.
30. Kant,S.V., & Ashvine, K. (2013) Women empowerment through rural employment in Uttar Pradesh. International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences, 4, 144-148.
31. Kar, S,.(2013).Empowerment of Women Through MGNREGS : Issues and Challenges. Odisha Review ,76-80
32. Karthika,K.T. (2015). Impact of MGNREGA on Socio-economic development and women empowerment. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 17(7), 16-19. 
33. Kaushal, S.L & Singh, B. (2016). A study of Women participation in MGNREGA in Himachal Pradesh. Productivity, 56,382-391. 
34. Kiruthika,E.(2017).Impact of MGNREGA on Socio-Economic Development and Women Empowerment,3(1),1553-1558.
35. Kumar, A., & Kharkwa,S. (2015). Socio-Economic impact of MGNREGA: Evidences from district of Udham Singh Nagar in Uttarakhand, India, Indian Journal of Economics and Development,3 (12), 1-10.
36. Majumdar , K .(2016). Could MGNREGA Parry the Seasonal Rural Migration? Micro Evidence from West Bengal, India , Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) 2(3),37 – 42.
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38. Mehta,P.K., Mangala,B. & Saxena,N.(2011). Transforming Lives through MGNREGA: A Case of Mewat. Affiliation: Institute of Rural Research and Development, Gurgaon.Retrived from
39. Mishra, A. K., & Dubey, M. (2016). Impact of MGNREGA on Wages and Employment in Chhattisgarh, International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research , 5(2),57-65.
40. Monika .(2017). Awareness of Women Participants as an Indicator of Implementation Structure of MNREGA. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 5(VII), 364-369.
41. Mullappallykayamkulath, M. A., & Ahammed, P.V.B.(2014). Women Empowerment through MGNREGS - Special Reference to Malappuram District, Kerala, South Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research, 4(6), 80-92.
42. Nair,S., & Damodaran,H. (2016,January 2014).Flagship scheme MGNREGA: Sustainability of a Turnaround.The Indian express, Retrived from
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47. Negi,R.S.Singh,S & Dhanai,R.(2015). Impact Assessment of MGNREGA: Study of Pauri Garhwal District of Uttarakhand, India. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research Article , 93-99.
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62 Selvamani, P.(2012).An analysis on the performance of MGNREGP in India. Global Journal for research Analysis. I(V), 33-55.
63 Shah.V.D., &  Makwana,M. (2011). Impact of NREGA on wage rates, food security and rural urban migration in Gujarat, , Agro-Economic Research Centre, Research Study No.141,Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar.Anand.Gujarat.
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