International Research journal of Management Science and Technology

  ISSN 2250 - 1959 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9367 (Print) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMST

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    1 Author(s):  RANJEET KUMAR

Vol -  8, Issue- 2 ,         Page(s) : 139 - 154  (2017 ) DOI :


Education expenditure and economic grow this one of the debatable topics since the days of Adam Smith.Many scholars have acknowledged the importance of their relationship. Education is the medium of multidimensional development of a society.

  1. Chandra, A. (2014). Does Government Expenditure on Education Promote Economic Growth? An Econometric Analysis.
  2. Cooray, A. V. (2009). Government expenditure, governance and economic growth. Comparative Economic Studies, 51 (3) ., 401-418.
  3. Idrees, A. S., & Siddiqi, M. W. (2013). Does Public Education Expenditure Cause Economic Growth?: Comparison of Developed and Developing Countries. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences, Vol. 7 (1), 174-183.
  4. Kaur, H., Baharom , A., & Habibullah, M. S. (2014). Linkages between education expenditure and economic growth: Evidence from ‘CHINDIA’. E3 Journal of Business Management and Economics Vol. 5(5),ISSN 2141-7482 , 109-119.
  5. Keith, S. (2007). What Strategies do Educational Researchers Use? Classroom-based Research and Evidence-based Practice. London, UK: SAGE Publication.
  6. Mercan, M. (2013). The Relationship between Education expenditure and Economic Growth in Turkey: Bounds Testing Approach. Europian Academic Research, Vol. I, Issue 6, ISSN2286-4822.
  7. Musila, j. W., & Belassi, W. (2004). The Impact of Education Expenditure on Economic Growth in Uganda: Evidence from from Time Series Data. The Journal of Developing Areas, Vol. 38, No. 1, 123-133.
  8. Omojimite, B. (2010). Education and Economic Growth in Nigeria: A Granger Causality Analysis. African Research Review, Vol. 4 (3a), ISSN 2070-0083,, 90-108.
  9. Solaki, M. (2013). Relationship Between Education and GDP Growth: A Bi-variate Causality Analysis for Greece. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, Vol. 3, No. 2, e-ISSN 2247–7225, 133-139.
  10. Todaro , M., & Smith, S. (2005). Economic Development (9th Edition),. Pearson.
  11. Uche, E., Ihugba, O., & Nwosu, C. ( 2013). Causal Relationship between Nigeria Government Budget Allocation to the Education Sector and Economic Growth. Discourse Journal of Educational Research, ISSN: 2346-7045, Vol. 1(8), 54-64.
  12. YARDIMCIOGLU, F., GÜRDAL, T., & ALTUNDEMIR, M. E. (2014). Education and Economic Growth: A Panel Cointegration Approach in OECD Countries (1980-2008). Education and Science, Vol. 39, No 173.

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