International Research journal of Management Science and Technology

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Vol -  8, Issue- 10 ,         Page(s) : 60 - 69  (2017 ) DOI :


This paper provides a review of related literature on the factors hindering the adoption of electronic health records in Nigeria. Electronic Health Records has the potential in facilitating a better health care delivery system, leading to better health and universal health coverage. It creates access, enhances quality, improves primary health care interventions and can act as a solution for situations where human resources for health are scarce. It also influenced this transformation of medical errors and cost of delivering care have been reduced. A systematic review was use in the research. The results elucidates commonalities derived Common standpoints were lack of Limited Computer Skills, Poor Electricity Supply and Lack of Constant Internet Connectivity, Lack of Prioritization of Electronic Health Records, Lack of effective network performance, and In adequate facilities to run the system these are the major barriers hindering the adoption of EHR in Nigeria. Recommendations and conclusion were made that government should embark on remediating all factors hindering the adoption of electronic health records in Nigeria.

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