International Research journal of Management Science and Technology

  ISSN 2250 - 1959 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9367 (Print) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMST

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    1 Author(s):  SHIKHA GARG

Vol -  8, Issue- 6 ,         Page(s) : 55 - 62  (2017 ) DOI :


Product placement which has gradually increased in importance especially with globalization andcompetition, which hasintensified in recent years, is a marketing communication activity which has started to be frequently employed in televisionserials, cinema industry, computer games and books. In this study, the general characteristics of product placement as a promotional tool for marketing communications practice shall be discussed. This paper talks about classification and types of product placement, effectiveness and ethics of product placement along with its appraisal, criticisms and marketing implication of product placement.

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