International Research journal of Management Science and Technology

  ISSN 2250 - 1959 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9367 (Print) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMST

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    1 Author(s):  BHUWAN CHHETRI

Vol -  7, Issue- 12 ,         Page(s) : 48 - 55  (2016 ) DOI :


Organized and effecient marketing is essential for the healthy growth of an economy which will be benefits to the producer as well as the consumer. Agriculture is very important for Indian peoples, nearly 70% of Indian population being dependent on agriculture. In order to eliminate the middlemen from the marketing activities and to provide better price for agricultural products, the cooperative marketing societies were established during 1912. Co-operative marketing societies are manage and run by the farmers themselves and the profit earned are distributed among the member farmers according to the quantity of the product marketed by them.

  1. Ahmad,  Rais  (1995),  “Cooperatives  and   Agricultural   Marketing”,  Monthly Commentary on Indian Economic Conditions - The Indian Institute of  Public Opinion,  Vol.  37,  No.  4,  November,  pp. 27-33.
  2. Ahmad, Rais; and Ghufran, Ali (2004), “Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives of UP State – An Overview”, Monthly Commentary on Indian Economic Conditions - The Indian Institute of Public Opinion, Vol.  46,  No.  1,  August,  pp. 9-11.
  3. Dodkey, M.D.; and Hanamashetti, J.S. (2002), “Role of Co-operative Marketing in India with Special Reference to Fruits and Vegetables Marketing Co-operatives”, Indian Cooperative Review, Vol. 39, No. 4, April, pp. 265-273.
  4. Dubhashi, P.R. (1978), “Agricultural Marketing Through Co- operatives”, Co-operative News Digest, Vol. 29, No. 9, September, pp. 145-146.
  5. Halega,T.N (2010). Cooperatives- Principles, Problems and Practice. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
  6. Kamat,G, S.(1986). Managing Co-operative Marketing. Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.
  7. Kaushik, Amit Kumar (2005), Management of Human Resources: A Study of Punjab State Cooperative Supply and Marketing Federation Limited (MARKFED), Ph.D. Thesis, Submitted to Panjab   University,  Chandigarh. 
  8. Moharir, Kishor (2012), “Role of Co-operative Societies in Agriculture Product Marketing in Maharashtra”, Abhinav National Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, Vol. No.1,  Issue  No.  8  August,  pp. 80-83.
  9. Nripendra, N. Sharma. (2003).  “Consumer Cooperatives and Rural Marketing”, Mittal Publications. New Delhi.

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