International Research journal of Management Science and Technology

  ISSN 2250 - 1959 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9367 (Print) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMST

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    1 Author(s):  SURENDER KUMAR

Vol -  7, Issue- 12 ,         Page(s) : 45 - 47  (2016 ) DOI :


As F.B. Pinion writes, “Few writers can have had a closer knowledge of Shakespeare than Hardy.” Novelist and Poet Thomas Hardy was fairly and exceptionally well-versed in the works of Shakespeare, filling his novels and poetry with allusions and parallels to the Bard’s texts, and he has been linked with Shakespeare in criticism since 1892.

  1. Danson, Lawrence : Shakespeare’s Dramatic Genres. Oxford. UK; Oxford University Press, 2000.
  2. Deen Leonard W. “Heroism and Pathos in The Return of the Native Hardy : The Tragic Novels. Ed. R.P. Draper. New York : The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1975.
  3. Dowden, Edward. Shakespeare : A Critical Study of his Mind and Art. London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd. 1906.
  4. Gibson, James. Thomas Hardy : Interviews and Recollections. New York; St. Martin’s Press, Inc., 1999.
  5. Millgate, Michael. Thomas Hardy : A Biography Revisited. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2004.
  6. Pinion, F.B. A Hardy Companion : A guide to the works of Thomas Hardy and their background. New York, NY : Macmillan and Co. Ltd.: St. Martin’s Press, Inc. 1968.
  7. Poole, Adrian. Shakespeare and the Victorians. London: Arden Shakespeare [The Arden Critical Companions], 2004.

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